Razer Kishi Grip V1 Controller for Android

  • ID: 34168
  • ✕ Nije dostupno
  • ✔Garancija: 12 mjeseci
  • Cijena dostave: 8KM
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Console-Quality Mobile Gaming Controls, Universal Fit with Extendable Bridge, Stream PC and Console Games, Optimized for Maximum Performance, Ergonomic Design, Powered by the Razer Nexus App, Two analog thumbsticks with clickable buttons (L3/R3), One mechanical D-pad, ABXY face buttons, Two triggers (L2/R2), Two bumpers (L1/R1), Two programmable multifunction buttons (M1/M2), Menu and Options buttons (labelled Start and Select in some games), Share button (requires Razer Nexus), USB-C plug for phone connection, USB-C port for passthrough charging only, Charging indicator light, Android 9.0 (Pie) or higher
Pouzećem (gotovinski), virmanski, karticama jednokratno i na rate, kao i putem MKD do 36 rata.
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Plaćanje KARTICAMAPlaćanje karticama jednokratno (sve banke)
Visa ClassicUnicredit Bank - Visa Classic (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
MasterCard RevolvingUnicredit Bank - MasterCard Revolving (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
Visa RevolvingUnicredit Bank - Visa Revolving (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
Visa RevolvingUnicredit Bank - Visa Gold (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
Shop and Fun karticaSparkasse - MasterCard Shop & Fun (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 41.36 KM / mj.
Visa kupovna karticaBBI - Visa kupovna kartica (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Cash Card karticaSberbank BH - Cash Card kartica (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Visa Magic CardRaiffeisen - VISA Magic Card kartica (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Potreban min. iznos narudžbe 200KM
  • Zato što ste potpuno sigurni da je uređaj koji ste kupili nov, nekorišten i zapakovan u originalnoj ambalaži proizvođača.
  • Zato što kupujete po najpovoljnijim cijenama i uslovima na tržištu.
  • Zato što znate da će kupljeni uređaj, bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova, na Vašu adresu stići u najkraćem mogućem roku (24h/48h).
  • Jer imate pravo u roku od 24 sata da prijavite eventualna ostećenja nastala u transportu i, uz potvrdno sačinjen zapisnik, dobijete drugi uređaj ili povrat novca.
  • Zato što ste sigurni da ukoliko se desi bilo kakva nepravilnost u radu kupljenog uređaja, kvar ili tehnički nedostatak će otkloniti, potpuno besplatno i isključivo u ovlaštenom servisu.
  • Zato što imate pravo da uređaj koji bude neispravan, u roku od sedam dana zamijenite za drugi ili ostvarite povrat novca.

Česta pitanja

Visa ClassicUnicredit Bank - Visa Classic (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
MasterCard RevolvingUnicredit Bank - MasterCard Revolving (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
Visa RevolvingUnicredit Bank - Visa Revolving (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
Visa RevolvingUnicredit Bank - Visa Gold (do 24 rate)
149.00 KM / već od 6.21KM / mj.
Shop and Fun karticaSparkasse - MasterCard Shop & Fun (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Visa kupovna karticaBBI - Visa kupovna kartica (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Cash Card karticaSberbank BH - Cash Card kartica (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Visa Magic CardRaiffeisen - VISA Magic Card kartica (do 36 rata)
149.00 KM / već od 4.14KM / mj.
Potreban min. iznos narudžbe 200KM

Za sebe volimo reći da se nalazimo u svakom mjestu u BiH, jer kao online prodavnica omogućili smo dostupnost proizvoda bilo gdje u BiH.

Vršimo isporuku na željenu adresu kupca a sarađujemo sa kurirskom službom A2B i Intime. Dostava je besplatna za narudžbe veće od 300KM.

Iako je koncept našeg poslovanja usmjeren ka internet prodaji, to NE ZNAČI da nas nemožete posjetiti. Nalazimo se na adresi: Branislava Nušića 162, 71000 Sarajevo. Kontakt telefon: 033 592 456.

Robu dostavljamo u bilo koje mjesto u BiH, u roku 24/48h. Dostava je besplatna za iznos narudžbe 300KM i više.

Odgovor je DA. Prilikom online narudžbe firme imaju mogućnost da unesu "naziv firme" i odaberu "virmanski način plaćanja". Potom vam šaljemo predračun naslovljen na vašu firmu. Možete nas kontaktirati i direkno putem emaila prodaja@televizori.ba ili telefonski 033 592 456 kako bi Vam pomogli u ovom jednostavnom koraku.

Proizvod se dostavlja brzom poštom, sa svom pratećom dokumentacijom (ovjerena garancija, fiskalni račun, A4 račun).

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Microsoft Xbox/ PC Wireless Gamepad Series Deep Pink Controller

Textured triggers and bumpers, Hybrid D-pad, Button mapping, Bluetooth® technology, Connect to Xbox consoles with Xbox Wireless. Wirelessly connect to Windows 10/11 PCs, tablets, iOS and Android using Bluetooth, AA batteries for up to 40 hours of battery life.

169,00 KM

159,00 KM

Playstation 5 Dualsense Controller Wireless Grey Camo

Wireless: Bluetooth Ver5.1, Wired: USB connection (HID, Audio), Type: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Voltage: DC 3.65V, Capacity: 1,560mAh, USB Type-C port (Hi-Speed USB), Stereo Headset Jack, Charging Terminals, Built-in Microphone Array, Built-in Mono Speaker, Stereo Headset JackOutput : 48kHz/16bit, Input : 24kHz/16bit, Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer), Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Vibration (haptic feedback by dual actuators), Indicators (Light bar / Player indicator / MUTE status), 2 Point Touch Pad, Capacitive Type, Click Mechanism, PS button, Create button, Options button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square),R1/L1 button, R2/L2 button (with Trigger Effect)Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Touch Pad button, MUTE button, Grey Camo

159,00 KM

Playstation 5 Dualsense Controller Wireless Starlight Blue

Wireless: Bluetooth Ver5.1, Wired: USB connection (HID, Audio), Type: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Voltage: DC 3.65V, Capacity: 1,560mAh, USB Type-C port (Hi-Speed USB), Stereo Headset Jack, Charging Terminals, Built-in Microphone Array, Built-in Mono Speaker, Stereo Headset JackOutput : 48kHz/16bit, Input : 24kHz/16bit, Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer), Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Vibration (haptic feedback by dual actuators), Indicators (Light bar / Player indicator / MUTE status), 2 Point Touch Pad, Capacitive Type, Click Mechanism, PS button, Create button, Options button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square),R1/L1 button, R2/L2 button (with Trigger Effect)Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Touch Pad button, MUTE button, Starlight Blue

159,00 KM

Playstation 5 Dualsense Controller Wireless

Wireless: Bluetooth Ver5.1, Wired: USB connection (HID, Audio), Type: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Voltage: DC 3.65V, Capacity: 1,560mAh, USB Type-C port (Hi-Speed USB), Stereo Headset Jack, Charging Terminals, Built-in Microphone Array, Built-in Mono Speaker, Stereo Headset JackOutput : 48kHz/16bit, Input : 24kHz/16bit, Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer), Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Vibration (haptic feedback by dual actuators), Indicators (Light bar / Player indicator / MUTE status), 2 Point Touch Pad, Capacitive Type, Click Mechanism, PS button, Create button, Options button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square),R1/L1 button, R2/L2 button (with Trigger Effect)Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Touch Pad button, MUTE button

159,00 KM

Playstation 5 Dualsense Controller Wireless Cosmic Red

Wireless: Bluetooth Ver5.1, Wired: USB connection (HID, Audio), Type: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Voltage: DC 3.65V, Capacity: 1,560mAh, USB Type-C port (Hi-Speed USB), Stereo Headset Jack, Charging Terminals, Built-in Microphone Array, Built-in Mono Speaker, Stereo Headset JackOutput : 48kHz/16bit, Input : 24kHz/16bit, Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer), Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Vibration (haptic feedback by dual actuators), Indicators (Light bar / Player indicator / MUTE status), 2 Point Touch Pad, Capacitive Type, Click Mechanism, PS button, Create button, Options button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square),R1/L1 button, R2/L2 button (with Trigger Effect)Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Touch Pad button, MUTE button, Cosmic Red

159,00 KM

Microsoft Xbox/ PC Series Controller White

Connect to Xbox consoles with Xbox Wireless. Wirelessly connect to Windows 10 PCs, tablets, and Android using Bluetooth. Compatible With: Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android. iOS support coming in the future. Battery: AA batteries for up to 40 hours of battery life.

179,00 KM

159,00 KM

Playstation 5 Dualsense Controller Wireless Midnight Black

Wireless: Bluetooth Ver5.1, Wired: USB connection (HID, Audio), Type: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Voltage: DC 3.65V, Capacity: 1,560mAh, USB Type-C port (Hi-Speed USB), Stereo Headset Jack, Charging Terminals, Built-in Microphone Array, Built-in Mono Speaker, Stereo Headset JackOutput : 48kHz/16bit, Input : 24kHz/16bit, Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer), Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Vibration (haptic feedback by dual actuators), Indicators (Light bar / Player indicator / MUTE status), 2 Point Touch Pad, Capacitive Type, Click Mechanism, PS button, Create button, Options button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square),R1/L1 button, R2/L2 button (with Trigger Effect)Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Touch Pad button, MUTE button, Midnight Black

159,00 KM

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller je premium proizvod koji sadrži premium gripove i polu-transparentno kućište.,Pro Controller sadrži iste gumbe kao Nintendo Switch kada je postavljen kao prijenosna konzola i osmišljen je kako bi se lakše rukovalo njime i držalo u rukama, lakše nego sa Joy-Con kontrolerima. Osnovna razlika u kontrolama je što su kontrole smjera na Joy-Con (Lijevi) sastavljene od različitih gumba, Pro kontroler ima jedan "Plus" kontrolni gumb, sličan prethodnim sustavima.

175,00 KM

Playstation 5 Dualsense Controller Wireless  Helldivers 2 Limited Edition

Wireless: Bluetooth Ver5.1, Wired: USB connection (HID, Audio), Type: Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, Voltage: DC 3.65V, Capacity: 1,560mAh, USB Type-C port (Hi-Speed USB), Stereo Headset Jack, Charging Terminals, Built-in Microphone Array, Built-in Mono Speaker, Stereo Headset JackOutput : 48kHz/16bit, Input : 24kHz/16bit, Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer), Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Vibration (haptic feedback by dual actuators), Indicators (Light bar / Player indicator / MUTE status), 2 Point Touch Pad, Capacitive Type, Click Mechanism, PS button, Create button, Options button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square),R1/L1 button, R2/L2 button (with Trigger Effect)Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Touch Pad button, MUTE button

179,00 KM

Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Pair Neon Green + Neon Pink

Introducing Joy-Con, controllers that make new kinds of gaming possible, for use with Nintendo Switch., The versatile Joy-Con offer multiple surprising new ways for players to have fun.Battery life can last for more than six hours, but will vary depending on the software and usage conditions. For example, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be played for roughly 3 hours on a single charge, Two Joy-Con can be used independently in each hand, or together as one game controller when attached to the Joy-Con grip

189,00 KM